Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Wednesday, 9 December 2009


These are two of four images representing the four seasons in the country
I want them to be like an illustrated fashion shoot. Still in developement. I need to add colour

Saturday, 5 December 2009


Sarah had a masquarade ball for her Birthday
We all wore masks and pretty dresses

I only have 14 polaroids left now

Friday, 4 December 2009

This is what a night in A&E does to you...

Alex fell down the stairs and broke her ankle
So we took her to hospital to get it checked out
We finally left at 5am after 6 HOURS of waiting
6 hours of junk food, complaining patients, tea, A-Z games, knitting, brainwashing adverts, trying and failing to sleep, the antiques roadshow, the most epic entrance to A&E I've ever seen...
And my sleepy doodles

Kirky and Ross
My, don't they look happy...

The worst news, however, is that Alex is stuck in a cast and will be leaving us for a few weeks :(
Get well soon!! xx

Tuesday, 1 December 2009


Me. With some tea
A rough for my 'Day in the life' project
I prefer the roughs to the final piece


I keep leaving my Perfect Ten sketchbook at uni so I can't scan anything from it. Annoyingggg
However I do have some bad quality photos of a few pieces.
Older people I admire for being generally amazing and not caving into plastic surgery

I just saw The Host again. AMAZING. Watch please

Friday, 27 November 2009

It's been a while

For your caramel latte...
I was going to add text, but thought against it as it made them too fussy
I'm attempting to screenprint them. I'm no good with machinery :(

Sunday, 25 October 2009


I'd like to get out of this city, just until everything sorts itself out

Monday, 19 October 2009

I draw people

Today I decided to fill a sketchbook with quick observations in preperation for my new project, 'Print Is Dead'
I drew pretty much everyone who got in my way
Chances are I probably drew you...


Here are a couple of pieces from my summer project

Sunday, 20 September 2009


This morning me and Sarah planned a long and productive day.
Original plan...
Take all the recycling to recycling bank, go to Sainsburys and check out reduced goods for yummy lunches, eat said lunches, make a blackberry and apple pie from scratch, spend rest of day doing lots of project work.
Actual plan...
Take only half the recycling to recycling bank, find no yummy reduced lunches, eat cereal for lunch, neglect pie making due to lack of blackberries, spend fifteen minutes sketching half a sofa, realise sketched sofa plays no part in project, give up, go on facebook, watch new Peep Show

We did however make sludge. Tasty sludge with marshmallows. YUM

Saturday, 19 September 2009

Summer project

Our brief for the summer project was to do a series of images based on one of three books. Mine's based on 'The Road' by Cormac McCarthy
I started off drawing landscapes and trees, but now I've decided to go a bit more figure based
My project's been on a bit of a tangent, but I think I know where I'm going now....

Anyway, here's a few images from the sketchbook

Long summer

These are just things I've been messing around with...
I can't draw animals so I decided to try my hand at an owl, using my lovely friend Isobel Kho as inspiration.
So here goes...

I also have a weakness for drawing faces...

I should probably branch out more...

Friday, 18 September 2009


One day I'll put up new pictures, but right now I'm content to sit here and play with the new internet.
How did I live... ?

Saturday, 8 August 2009

Ode to Laura

I went to Camp Bestival a couple of weekends ago. It was the most beautiful, chilled out festival I've been to
I saw THIS beaut

I may possibly be in in love with Laura Marling

Tuesday, 21 July 2009


I have no possessions. They are all packed in boxes for the move to London I was supposed to do yesterday. Said move never happened as the estate agent messed everything up. Alas I am a Dorset girl for a few more days
My scanner is also packed away and I'm in no mood to retrieve my camera and take photos either. BAD DAY

Therefore, this is Liz Hazle
Her work is lovely. I especially like her doors

I feel like I should put something of my own on here too. This is Sarah. I took this a while ago. A drunken night on the tube. It's my favourite Sarah picture :)

Friday, 17 July 2009


I've become increasingly de-motivated over the summer months. Now instead of switching on the TV when I'm bored, I make myself whack out the sketchbook and draw whatever's on my mind or infront of me. It's mostly just pen or pencil work, but I figured any drawing's better than no drawing, and hopefully the more I do, the more I'll start getting inspired and start drawing for the fun of it instead of out of nessecity.

I found a hair magazine lying around...

Experimenting with faces...

For Sheeta

My little goat friend

(I get bored...)

Old little things

For some reason blogger won't let me upload my most recent scans, so this a little something I did long ago on my foundation course. It's handstitched onto fabric and padding. I was going to attach it onto a pillow or quilt, but seeing as my sewing skills are nilch, I decided to leave it how it is. I think it worked out well, but then again it did take three weeks to do so I'm a bit biased!

This is another image blogger has for some reason allowed me to post. It was for my 'Sins' project, in which I decided to focus on vanity. It's just a little experiment from my sketchbook, a portrait of Kate Moss drawn in mascara using a mascara brush. It was easier than I thought it would be!