Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Westminster Illustration 2011

So a little belated, but I'd thought I'd share some of the treats I picked up from our degree show earlier on in the Summer.
(Excuse the dodgy paperweights, this is what happens when you're between homes and your posters are all rolled up for weeks on end!)

Firstly, this beautiful A1 screenprinted poster by Sam Hawkins detailing his very own 'A-Z of Illustration':

This atmospheric painting by Sarah Kirk printed onto a postcard:

And an excerpt taken from Isobel Kho's epic shoe collection, printed onto a postcard:

And I found this A1 screenprinted beauty by Tom Baxter, who is actually a graduate from 2010. But it's gorgeous so I thought I'd share!

Monday, 1 August 2011

Girls + Zines

From the 3rd of August, my Soho zine and Date zine will be in the Tatty Devine boutique in Brick Lane as part of 'Girls + Zines', an exhibition showcasing...well...zines made by girls! 
The private view is on Wednesday the 3rd from 6-9pm and the show goes on for a month. Unfortunatley I won't be able to attend on Wednesday as I'm stuck in Dorset this week, but you should definately go check it out!

Quite looking forward to see what everyone else has come up with too!